Weight Loss Tracker

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Monday's WI


Well i was not looking forward to wi, that rarely happens but the scales just havent moved and i was worried i would be 88kg for another week - but yeah they did move. I lost 700 grams to make me 87.3. Oh what a good number, i would have been happy with a 100 gram loss lol.

I was also stressed because a cyst on my ovaries was found at an ultrasound, but thank god that turned out to be nothing so that is great.

This has given me more motivation to go strong, been to the gym for an hour thirty today. I felt sooo good afterwards.

I am off tomorrow to meet two friends i havent seen in about 6 mths, i wonder if they will notice the difference lol. I am sure they will.

Talk soon.

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