Weight Loss Tracker

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wooo Hooooo I have lost 50kg - 50.9kg to be exact


Well i am a bit slow blogging when i have such great news.

WI on Monday and i lost 1.2kg to bring me to a total of 50.9kg - CW is 79.2kg, wooo hooo i am soooo happy it is just surreal to me. I know i have worked hard, gone down from a size 26 to 16 and some 14s, but i can shop in 'Normal' clothes shops which feels soo good. But not just that - my fitness feels so good, when i go to the gym i just feel so great in general. In Monday's combat class i wanted to run around the room and say over the mic - i have lost 50kg lol but i didn't. i told a couple of girls and they were quite happy and proud for me.

I have been clothes shopping a bit lately and bought two pairs of jeans, capri pants and shirts lately as it is getting cool and i need some new stuff. I also went shopping alone today and it felt sooo good looking in cool shops trying on 14s and medium i had so much fun. Just spurs me on more.

Yesterday i went to the gym as usual, did combat then busting to tell my Personal Trainer about my weight loss, she was very happy but she knew i was close and always tells me how far i have come and look good and about my fitness level. She asked me my next goal and i said - easy to do full push ups not girlie ones lol. Sooo she said next week you can do 10 - um i don't think so.

BUT yesterday she said come on try one, so i did, fell on my face, kept trying, kept falling on my face BUT i was determined she showed me lots of times better ways to do it and positioning and well i finally did it, in fact i did 5 full push ups. It felt soooo great, just another goal achieved. They weren't great but they i did them, she wants me to do the 10 next week but we shall see lol. She knows how to push me, i think i will get her a t-shirt that says - 'Just Five More' - her favourite saying lol.

I am really on a high and i hope it stays that way lol.

Talk later.

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