Weight Loss Tracker

Monday, February 2, 2009

I am an Eighties Girl and 40kg Gone

Well i pretty much posted this on the WW site and just putting here as i am soooo excited.

I just had to share my biggest joy on Weight Watchers to date. I weighed in this morning and lost a nice 1.7kg to make it 40kg gone, well 41.1kg to be exact lol. I joined almost 10 months ago on a whim, heard it was good and just thought enough is enough, I want to and I am ready to loose this weight. I had no idea I could do it, I thought I might loose 10 or 15 kg but would give it a shot, I really wanted to get back to my pre-baby weight at least and no longer be morbidly obese and sick. I want to do this bad, I still have 21kg to go but I will get there, I am now sure of that. I am the lightest I have ever been, I have gone from a size 26 to 16/18, even bought a 14 the other day lol. I am NOT getting ahead of myself, I know there is still a lot of work to be done but I really am busting with joy and happiness to get this far to date :0) . I feel healthier and happier and more confident and nothing feels better than that.

Today I also hit three of my milestones in one go; 1. I am an 80s girl - never heard of before 2. 40kg gone forever (41.1kg) 3. Surpassed Pre baby weight - both babies - now 9 and 5 lol I honestly think if I can do this anyone can, you just need to be in the right frame of mind. It really does work if you stick at it. I track and exercise religiously it is my lifestyle now. My reward is truly just happiness BUT I have a gold charm bracelet with charms that are over 15 years old on it so I am removing some of the old ones that are not really important or don't mean anything that I had just bought over the years and replacing them with new ones when I hit big milestones. I have a cute handbag charm with a pink heart on it when I lost 20kg, a Tinkerbell (big fan of her) charm that I bought when I lost 30.5kg and got under 100kg. I have seen a high heel shoe charm I love and will get that to add to my bracelet for 40kg lost. I look at my tink and bag charm often during the day and they remind me how far I have come and it helps me to keep going. Anyway I think I will be walking on air for a while and had to share.

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