Weight Loss Tracker

Monday, January 26, 2009

Good news and Weigh In


i have not been too good at blogging lately, have been busy getting stuff ready for school and visiting my brother. Good news though he is soooooooo much better and might get to go home in a week or two - amazing stuff, hopefully he will keep getting stronger.

Back to weight loss - had WI this morning, i lost 500grams, happy with that but wanted more but next week hopefully i will get to my few goals i have set. Very happy to be sooooo close. I have to keep working hard and it will happen.

Things just seem soo routine lately, it does happen, trust me.

I am looking forward to going to the gym more when the my son is back at school and my daughter starts. I will miss her but it will be good for her at school and i will enjoy the me time for a while til i look for a part time job. I just want to dedicate 6 months to this and then start looing for work.

Until next time.

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