Wooo Hoo I was chosen to do the Weight Watchers On-line Achievers photo shoot. I cant wait, I am nervous but very excited. It will be a fun day i am sure, i was hoping to get an experience like this. So far the photos will just go on-line as a success story or if they are impressed maybe the mag but I am happy for either to happen.
Got my package details today and I have to be at Alexanandria by 8.30am , oh that will be an early day. Have to organise for hubby to be home to take kids to school or drop to a friends that day. I will have to leave up by about 7.00am to get there on time. I have cab charges in hand and details and will be counting down til Monday.
Oh I wonder what I will wear lol, i am sure it wont matter it will be great.
Wish me luck.